Using a volunteer auctioneer

Expert Tips for Using a Volunteer Auctioneer at Your Fundraising Event

Using a volunteer auctioneer can be a cost-effective solution for your fundraising event, but it comes with its own set of challenges. Here are some expert tips to help you make the most of a volunteer auctioneer:

1. Choose a volunteer who is confident, comfortable with public speaking, and can use a microphone effectively. They do not need to know everyone at the event.

2. Keep the number of items to a manageable amount. A volunteer auctioneer may struggle with a large number of items, and inexperienced auctioneers may impact the bidding process.

3. Give the volunteer as much notice as possible to familiarize themselves with the auction items. Avoid changing the items at the last minute.

4. Ensure that there is a support crew to help the auctioneer keep track of bidders and bids.

5. Do not expect perfection or high results from a volunteer auctioneer. Go with the flow and follow the vibe of the room and the auction on the day.

6. If the volunteer is interested in training, consider hiring a professional auctioneer to provide training before the event.

Remember that professional auctioneers get paid for a reason. If you choose to use a volunteer, be prepared for potential challenges, but also appreciate the cost savings. With these tips, you can make the most of a volunteer auctioneer and have a successful fundraising event.


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