15 Quick Live Auction Fundraising Tips

Expert Live Auction Fundraising Tips for Your Event

Live auctions are a great way to raise money for your charity, but they require careful planning and execution. Here are some expert tips to help you make the most of your live auction:

1. Schedule your live auction on a Saturday night. This is the best night for people to leave the week behind, have fun and support a great cause.

2. Choose a live auction over a silent auction. Live auctions always yield the best results.

3. Hire a professional auctioneer. They are worth their fee as they can double your results in a live auction.

4. Keep the live auction short and at a reasonable time. No longer than half an hour is recommended.

5. Publicly market your auction items before the event to build interest and get conversations started. But do not advertise your reserve prices.

6. Create aesthetically pleasing displays of your auction items or use professional photos to make them stand out.

7. Enhance the live auction with a visual display on a screen behind the auctioneer during bidding.

8. Use balloons instead of flower centrepieces to attract attention to the auction items.

9. Keep the stage brightly lit and avoid spotlights on the auctioneer.

10. Use a high-quality microphone and sound system to ensure the audience can hear everything clearly.

11. Ensure enough bid spotters are in the room to cover all vantage points and prevent missed bids.

12. Use mobile bidding to increase your audience and enable remote bidding.

13. Customise bid paddles as a keepsake of the event for people to take home.

14. Keep the live auction fun and in line with the theme of the event.

15. Let your professional auctioneer set the opening bids and the rhythm for the auction.

By following these expert tips, you can have a successful live auction fundraiser and raise more money for your charity.


Commonly sought after charity auction items


Using a volunteer auctioneer