Handle with care  


How to Handle Donors in a Live Auction

Donors are essential to the success of any fundraising event, and it's crucial to handle them with care and professionalism. A skilled Auctioneer understands how to manage delicate situations and works closely with event staff to ensure the auction aligns with their goals.

It's essential not to allow well-meaning donors to dictate the placement of their items in the auction. Sometimes, a donor may insist on placing their item in the live auction, even if it would be better suited for the silent auction. In such cases, it's crucial to do what's best for the event, rather than giving in to donor demands.

While it's essential to maintain a positive relationship with donors, it's equally important to communicate your reasoning behind the placement of their items. Educating donors and explaining the decision-making process can help them understand and appreciate the efforts made to ensure the auction's success.

In conclusion, managing donors in a live auction requires a delicate balance of communication, education, and professionalism. With the right approach, it's possible to keep everyone happy and achieve fundraising success.


Tips to Stay on Schedule:


Order matters!